Successful Together: Butternut Squash Fries

February 27, 2011

Butternut Squash Fries

I got this recipe from the book that is being handed out this week.

First you start with a 2lb Butternut squash
Olive Oil Cooking Spray
1 tsp table salt, or to taste
1/2 tsp chili powder

Preheat over to 450.
Cut the "neck" off of the squash, this is the part you will use for the fries
(I am going to roast the other portion)

Peel the neck portion

cut it in to planks/sticks/whatevers

Place on a foiled lined cooking sheet, sprayed with cooking spray 
(both the pan, then the "fries" once they are on the pan
Sprinkle with Salt and chili powder.
Bake for 14-18 minutes, turning once.

Served with the BBQ Chicken left over from the other night.

This was GOOD. Ed liked it, though he was apprehensive at first
I think next time I make them, I will cut the strips thinner so they can crisp up
some more. And maybe, drizzle with honey once cooked.

1/4 of what was cooked here is 1 PointsPlus per serving. (just the fries of course)

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